#123 Unicornism

#123 Unicornism

Little known historical fact – Hitler actually did believe in unicorns. And also maybe God?

Exciting news: Philosophers’ Carnival coming up on the 9th! I’ve already received a TON of excellent submissions so far, and narrowing them down to a few is going to be quite a challenge.

Anyway, enjoy the comic, and stay tuned for more soon!

Discussion (7)¬

  1. Mehehehe. 🙂

    It’s actually a fairly good example of a fallacious causal reasoning:
    Cum Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc


  2. By the way, should this comic not be called aunicornism? 🙂

  3. theonlin says:

    ohh.. and i thought it was wearing clothes that caused evil.. aunicornism makes more sense though!!

  4. […] helps to think of what Daniel is exposing here as a variant on the Unicornism Fallacy: that all of history’s greatest villains lacked a belief in unicorns is no reason at all to think […]

  5. […] med att Hitler, Stalin och Mao var onda ateister. Hur ska man se pĂ„ pĂ„stĂ„enden av denna typ? Chaospet reder ut […]

  6. […] juni, 2009 LĂ€ste hos Niclas Berggren (Nonicoclolasos) om Chaospet som listat ut anledningen till all vĂ€rldens ondska. Orsaken till vĂ€rldens […]

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