#140 Too soon?

#140 Too soon?

Since this is the first week of maintaining a regular schedule after a very long absence, I thought I’d give you a little bonus comic to make up for it. And a very TOPICAL bonus comic at that!

In case you don’t follow American Pop Culture for some strange reason, the events referred to in the comic are here and here.

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze, and thanks for the classics (by which I mean movies like Roadhouse and Donnie Darko; Dirty Dancing, not so much).

Discussion (4)¬

  1. LEGION says:

    Heh, I’m surprised it didn’t really happen.

  2. chaospet says:

    Legion: There’s still time!

  3. michelle says:

    You here are forgetting the BEST Patrick Swayze movie: To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar.

    the best of all time. OF ALL TIME.

  4. chaospet says:

    Michelle: Hah, I forgot about that one, probably because I never actually saw it. But Patrick Swayze in drag would be worth seeing.

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